Saturday, August 22, 2015

Mini Nutella Wholemeal Croissant

What a hot day today! I feel like I'm being baked rather than doing the baking.

Since the chicken mushroom pie was so good, I was so pumped up to bake another puff pastry treat.

Went to the supermarket but they only had this wholemeal pastry sheet. The packaging says its suitable for, among others, wraps, pizzas, and there was this picture of cute little fruit tartlets too. Should be ok to make sweet desserts with this?

Watched some videos on how to make croissants just to learn the rolling process for the mini croissant.

I was feeling a bit lazy so this easy peasy Nutella mini croissant was the perfect recipe. All you need is store bought puff pastry, or in my case, wholemeal pastry sheet and a jar of Nutella. 

I didn't take photos of the rolling process, but basically all you have to do is:
  1. cut the pastry sheet into a small long triangles, 
  2. add Nutella to the wider/ lower part of a triangle, 
  3. brush egg wash to the sides of the triangle (to seal the ends)and 
  4. roll the lower part to meet the peak of the triangle.
  5. Repeat for each triangle.

You'll end up with these tiny crab-looking thing, uh, I meant mini croissants.

They were slightly on the hard and dry side. Doesn't taste so bad with the Nutella though. At least the wholemeal pastry is a good substitute if you're craving pain au chocolat whilst on a diet.

Happy baking skinny desserts! xx

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